First step in Trigger Identification: Do nothing.

Over and above all MCAS treatments is trigger avoidance. You can take all the meds in the world, but if you don’t avoid setting off those pesky mast cells, you’re not going to get anywhere. So where do you start? Do nothing Well, that sounds easy, doesn’t it? Ha! 🤪 Remember Grade 9 science, where… Read more First step in Trigger Identification: Do nothing.

When Physicians Don’t have an Answer

Physicians are people, falliable, imperfect, emotive people. And yet, they are expected to be perfect, to know everything, to never make an error. How silly! These expectations make physicians worse, not better. The fear of liability permiates, yet anyone who has ever tried to sue a doctor in Canada knows that it’s almost impossible to… Read more When Physicians Don’t have an Answer

MCAS is real.

It’s official, MCAS is a ‘thing’. No, not according to some medical governing body… according to People Magazine! There was an article in this week’s magazine about a girl with MCAS, which you can read it :// rare for a pop news magazine, but they did a great job. It’s well written, and nothing jumped… Read more MCAS is real.

Iron, Cauldrons and The Nordic Connection

It’s such a common image in our society, the ‘witch’ at her cauldron, brewing up some noxious potion; inescapable at Halloween. I have started watching a documentary series called “Noxious Weeds” that explores the legends, facts and possibilities of various traditional medicines. Cultural stereotypes are created from grains of truth, snippets of logic, mixed with… Read more Iron, Cauldrons and The Nordic Connection