
Mast Cell Beads

With the buzz created about a new International Mast Cell Disorders organization, and a launch of the first Mast Cell Disorders awareness day last weekend, I thought I’d bring my own particular flavour to it. I’m currently into beading and jewelry, and it was fun to find beads that might work, and to make several others.… Read more Mast Cell Beads

Don’t stand so Close to Me

I started this post a few weeks ago, just as Trump was trying to say that there were ‘good people on both sides’ i the protests in Charlottesville. Since then, the ugly truth about people abusing their power-especially men with young women (or girls). I am still stunned by Trump supporting a senate candidate who… Read more Don’t stand so Close to Me

“You played a part in saving someone’s life this weekend.” (Or: Why am I doing this?)

What?  “Yes.” My doctor continued. “This weekend you very likely saved the life of a woman out East.” “Huh?” (How articulate of me).  My doctor went on to explain that she has a friend who is a doctor, and who has become very interested in my case, and in MCAS. My Doc sends her copies… Read more “You played a part in saving someone’s life this weekend.” (Or: Why am I doing this?)