
MCAS is real.

It’s official, MCAS is a ‘thing’. No, not according to some medical governing body… according to People Magazine! There was an article in this week’s magazine about a girl with MCAS, which you can read it :// rare for a pop news magazine, but they did a great job. It’s well written, and nothing jumped… Read more MCAS is real.

The Specialist Parade

Since the beginning of September I’ve seen the dentist, the allergist, the pelvic floor surgeon, internal med, cardiologist, rheumatologist, trigger point therapist and GI specialist. No wonder I didn’t write much, I wanted to catch you all up. Here’s a super fast overview: Cardiologist is concerned about my BP, as is everyone else. Baseline is… Read more The Specialist Parade

A Milestone: A new allergist. 

My journey has been quite unexpected. Along the way though, there are points that deserve a pin on the map. Times when you choose to take a different direction, or you meet new companions. Sometimes they are only seen in hindsight, some that are immediately obvious. The last two weeks have turned things upside down.… Read more A Milestone: A new allergist.