MCAS Diet Options

Now that the unofficial ‘diet month’ has passed, I thought I’d give some of my thoughts on what diet works best for people with MCAS. The short answer is ‘yours’. If only one thing is true, it’s that people with MCAS are different. What works for one will do another one in. People like to… Read more MCAS Diet Options


Tryptase. The mere mention of it makes Mastie’s cringe. Physicians and patients alike seem to have a great deal of difficulty sorting to out. A recent discussion came up after patients had been to see Dr Vadas, the most well known Canadian MCAS expert. It seemed that he was giving contradictory advice. He had told… Read more Tryptase

A Letter to the Man in the Peacoat

This is for the young man at JJ Bean today. Thank you for noticing. Thank you for making others notice, thank you for caring. I went to JJ Bean today after picking up my daughter from school (coffee shops are a way of life here, JJ Bean is a local company- and they have access… Read more A Letter to the Man in the Peacoat

MCAS and Dentistry. 13?…make that 15… cavities

And that’s in addition to the six I had fixed this time last year. Today I’m going to get the first half done, I’ve got another appointment next week for the others. Getting my cleaning a couple of weeks ago turned up the pain in them, to the point where it was constant hum. I… Read more MCAS and Dentistry. 13?…make that 15… cavities

The Nordic Connection: A Starting Point

If my genes come from the Baltic, why am I eating eating like a Mediterranean?   Amber. Yup. Amber. That’s what finally tipped the scale. I’m ready to put my ideas out there, confident that I won’t get laughed off the stage, at least. I have tried to write this about ten times, and I… Read more The Nordic Connection: A Starting Point

I’m going to be paying for this one.. it was worth it! 

Today was my son’s graduation from grade seven- he’ll start highschool next year.  A year ago, going into that gym would have ended with me in the hospital. I premedicated myself like hell, and pulled my mask on tight, and I did it! Well, I watched him get his service award and his certificate, and… Read more I’m going to be paying for this one.. it was worth it! 

What is MCAS?

In the last few years, the information around mast cell disorders has changed quite a bit. There is some confusion about what word is the ‘right’ one. It’s slowly coming together, and if will almost certainly change again many times. The terminology (if not the criterion) is slowly coming together and becoming more universal.. SO, I won’t… Read more What is MCAS?