Severe allergies

Merry Christmas! Top Ten Reasons to Suspect Santa has MCAS:

On Christmas Eve, Hubby was reading ‘A Visit from St Nicolas’ (The Night before Christmas) he got to the line “His cheeks were like roses”, and made a joke about Santa having MCAS. As these things can go with over-tired children and punchy adults, we started to diagnose Santa, with lots of giggles… Didn’t exactly lead… Read more Merry Christmas! Top Ten Reasons to Suspect Santa has MCAS:

Don’t stand so Close to Me

I started this post a few weeks ago, just as Trump was trying to say that there were ‘good people on both sides’ i the protests in Charlottesville. Since then, the ugly truth about people abusing their power-especially men with young women (or girls). I am still stunned by Trump supporting a senate candidate who… Read more Don’t stand so Close to Me

MCAS and Dentistry. 13?…make that 15… cavities

And that’s in addition to the six I had fixed this time last year. Today I’m going to get the first half done, I’ve got another appointment next week for the others. Getting my cleaning a couple of weeks ago turned up the pain in them, to the point where it was constant hum. I… Read more MCAS and Dentistry. 13?…make that 15… cavities

What’s Ana? (Who? Where?) Street Conversation #5

Ana. Ana fits into the same category as Aunt Flo; the frequent but unappreciated guest with awful timing (apologies to any men who aren’t familiar with the term). Except Ana is less predictable, less frequent (usually) and more dramatic than Aunt Flo. Fortunately, when Ana comes to visit almost every day, the drama is spread… Read more What’s Ana? (Who? Where?) Street Conversation #5

So THAT’s How it’s Supposed to Go! Specialists and MCAS, Part One

MCAS and our current medical paradigm clash. It can’t be treated ‘system by system’. I need to see SO many different specialists, and I have to be the go-between, referee, and decision maker. As I’m sure you can guess, I’ve had a few bumps with physicians. People with MCAS are notorious for ‘burning through’ specialists.… Read more So THAT’s How it’s Supposed to Go! Specialists and MCAS, Part One

My ‘Occam’s List’

For those of you who aren’t aware of it already, “Don’t bet against Occam” is Dr Afrin’s book, published last year. Occam (Okham) was a friar and philosopher in the 14th century. (Here is Brittanica’s blurb if you want to know more). There’s some debate of he was the first one to write about it,… Read more My ‘Occam’s List’

Street Corner Conversation #4 “Have you always had this?”

“No. But yes.” (Helpful, eh?). The longer answer is “Yes, I have had it my whole life. But I didn’t know it, and it was nowhere near as bad as it is now.” It’s amazing what you can see in hindsight. I have had relatively minor ailments my whole life. They were always ‘atypical’ or… Read more Street Corner Conversation #4 “Have you always had this?”

A Banner Week

It was too good to last, of course, but that only highlights how wonderful it was. There was no huge event, or exciting surprises. It was normal. And what a luxury 'normal' is. And it would appear that a poorly timed crash has turfed this post. The same crash posted some articles that weren't quite… Read more A Banner Week

Grace and Frankie: I bet Allison has MCAS.

Grace and Frankie is a fun show on Netflix. It's well done, all around. Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin play off each other beautifully, and it's a rare bird, that can show depth and emotion and be hysterically funny at the same time. It's made me laugh hard enough that Hubby comes in to check… Read more Grace and Frankie: I bet Allison has MCAS.

Skin Scratch Tests and MCAS

Disclaimer: This is one of those times where I actively disagree with the standard veiws held by many physicians. I'm not a doctor, so don't take my advice, don't not take my advice, don't blindly follow my thinking, stop and think things through; most importantly, err on the side of caution. I will never forget… Read more Skin Scratch Tests and MCAS